I am a happily married 48 year old Carpenter. I have two children who I love dearly and two Grand-Babes that will forever own my heart. I have a large wonderful family scattered all over this great nation. I miss them all, always!

My husband and I live just south of Kissimmee, Florida. We hate it! We moved here only because of our jobs, but have decided it not worth living only to make money. God put us here to LIVE!
We own a little piece of property up in North Carolina, which is where my daughter lives, so North Carolina, here we come!!!


God, I haven't been back to my blog for a while so when I read the above entry, it sent a shock through me. I have to explain for those of you who do not know what has happened over the last seven months. I realize that I could just delete the entry and start all over but when I wrote it, that was my life. I miss my husband.....

About two weeks after I had my mastectomy, my husband Freddy went to the doctors with a cough. They took some x-rays and before we knew it, he was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. They gave him 6 months to 5 years to live. There are no words to describe the insanity. Other then colds now and then, Freddy never got sick.

Sadly, I have to say that I now live in North Carolina without him. He passed away on December 12th 2009. I miss my husband.....

Saturday, October 24, 2009

I Know, I Know.....My Right Side Looks GREAT!!!!

I was talking to Mom yesterday on the phone complaining about how much I hate my new boob. She told me that I should take a picture, with my clothes on, so that I could see for myself what I looked like dressed. Understand that I realize that you all are saying to yourselves,"what in the heck is she bitching about"? Well first, I don't mean to bitch. I guess that I am just worried that I will not be able to work with the implants. I use my pectoral muscles all the time while working and it seems to me that the implants will get in my way. Also, I am trying to picture a nipple on my new boob. If I go that route, it looks like my nipple would be headed to the outsides of my body, NO? I'm not sure. Anyway, I went to the Breast Cancer Blog this morning where women have posted their picture of their progress and I have to say to myself this morning, "SHUT UP DEBORAH"! I mean in comparison, my plastic surgeon did a GREAT JOB....I am truley ashamed of myself for worrying so much when there are so many people who have gone through so much more. I am Thankful that I no longer have cancer and that I have the best doctor anybody could possibly have. I have another two months before my next surgery. I am going to stop worrying and see how I feel then.


Deanna said...

you're right it does look very good, very natural. The swelling has lessened and it's rounded out to look great. Are you sure you want to redo both. I think you'll be sorry if you reduce. As time goes by, you'll get more and more used to the feeling and probably won't even notice.

love ;you


ksshirley said...

mom and you are both right~~it does look great and the swelling will continue to decrease and with time it will fall a little bit more. Tissue takes a long time to heal and you are still so early in the process of healing~~patience~~I know how hard it is to wait but it will get better. As for the nip~~I don't know~~I think once it falls a little more the scars will be centered in the middle~~??? Anyway, I would like to see a pic with your shirt on~~hang in there Bub~~we are all praying for you and Freddy~~~love ya

Sammy said...

bub it looks great!! you're right, your doc did a fantastic job. love you!! MWAH!!!

Patricia Parker said...

I think you would look great. Don't worry. You are really beautiful for your inspiring courage and confidence.
Nice sharing. Keep posting.
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