I am a happily married 48 year old Carpenter. I have two children who I love dearly and two Grand-Babes that will forever own my heart. I have a large wonderful family scattered all over this great nation. I miss them all, always!

My husband and I live just south of Kissimmee, Florida. We hate it! We moved here only because of our jobs, but have decided it not worth living only to make money. God put us here to LIVE!
We own a little piece of property up in North Carolina, which is where my daughter lives, so North Carolina, here we come!!!


God, I haven't been back to my blog for a while so when I read the above entry, it sent a shock through me. I have to explain for those of you who do not know what has happened over the last seven months. I realize that I could just delete the entry and start all over but when I wrote it, that was my life. I miss my husband.....

About two weeks after I had my mastectomy, my husband Freddy went to the doctors with a cough. They took some x-rays and before we knew it, he was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. They gave him 6 months to 5 years to live. There are no words to describe the insanity. Other then colds now and then, Freddy never got sick.

Sadly, I have to say that I now live in North Carolina without him. He passed away on December 12th 2009. I miss my husband.....

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Well after seven surgeries and five saline injections, I am happy with the outcome. It's been close to a year when I went for my mammogram and shortly there after was diagnosed with dcis. So much has happened, it all seems a blur to me. As you scroll down to the pictures you will see my progress at each stage. I had two surgeries prior to the mastectomy, they could not get a clear margin and had to remove my left breast. I decided to have both removed. I would not want to go through this again.

Just so you know what happened in September, I'll give you a little info. I had the exchange on the 24th and two days later my left side started to get inflamed and I was running a fever. I went to the doctors office and he made an appointment for me the next day to have the implant removed. It was MRSA, a potentially dangerous viral infection. I most likely got it from the hospital. Dr. Pope said at that time that I would need to wait another three months before he could operate again. What a mess!!!

In December, the doctor put another implant in on the left side with no problems and I scheduled an appointment for nipple reconstruction six weeks later. Well if you look at the pictures, you'll see that my right side was wondering over to my arm pit and the left side dropped. Another mess. Dr.Pope, without thinking twice, once again scheduled me for surgery to resolve the problems. As you can see, he did a good job.

I would like to give a little advice to any women who might be facing breast cancer. First of all, please know that we are all different. Please understand your rights as far as your insurance is concerned. Know that you have an experienced Plastic Surgeon as well as a Breast doctor. They are two separate people with different expertise. Take a little time and breathe....It's a shock to be told that you have cancer. I wish that I had been more informed. The attitude is hurry up and get it done. It is very important not to wait to long but do some research and find the RIGHT people to help you!!! If anybody would like to ask me questions or needs any help, please don't hesitate to ask. God Bless you All


1 comment:

David Haas said...

I have a question about your blog. Please email me!